Auto Enrolment Seminar Feedback from The FA

We have just recieved this lovely letter from Roger Reade of Sheffield and Hallamshire County Football Association expressing how pleased they were with our Auto Enrolment seminar. Take a read for yourself below. Think your company could benefit from an Auto Enrolment seminar? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

Project Volunteer

In 2008 Simon Hasler, founder of Opus Gold, spent 2 weeks helping children in Africa as part of Project Volunteer. It was a great and rewarding experience for all involved. Simon returned, along with the other volunteers in 2009 to see the benefits of their work. Here is Simon’s memories of the trip: On the […]

Auto-Enrolment- Need Some Help?

From October this year auto-enrolment will start to be introduced. You may have seen the TV ad and been hearing about work place pension reform in the news. Opus Gold understand that many employers and employees are unaware of what auto-enrolment actually is and how it is going to effect them. Below follows some interesting […]

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