Synopsis: Unless there is a genuine reason for failing to meet the online self-assessment filing deadline, action should be taken as soon as possible.
Date posted: Monday, January 05, 2015
Last week we provided a reminder that the self-assessment online filing deadline was fast approaching.
Today, the taxman has revealed the top ten terrible tax excuses for late filing and payment. These are as follows:
- My pet dog ate my tax return…and all the reminders.
- I was up a mountain in Wales, and couldn’t find a post-box or get an internet signal.
- I fell in with the wrong crowd.
- I’ve been travelling the world, trying to escape from a foreign intelligence agency.
- Barack Obama is in charge of my finances.
- I’ve been busy looking after a flock of escaped parrots and some fox cubs.
- A work colleague borrowed my tax return, to photocopy it, and didn’t give it back.
- I live in a camper van in a supermarket car park.
- My girlfriend’s pregnant.
- I was in Australia.
While it is possible to have a genuine reason for failing to meet the online self-assessment filing deadline, HMRC does not take lightly to excuses which claim that the reason was someone else’s fault. So, the question is, will your clients meet the deadline or come up with an excuse to add to the list?
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